Video Conferencing Technologies And Services Division

Service Platforms

Studio based Videoconferencing Platform
Desktop based Videoconferencing Platform

Studio Based Videoconferencing platform
The Studio based videoconferencing is available from about 2400+ NICNET Studios spread across the country including state capitals, districts & union Territories. User can book the VC sessions using VC booking portal ( and organize the meeting. The setup at each Studios is permanent and have NICNET connectivity, where user can join a conference through MCU by dialing conference ID or using H.323/SIP Standard.

A strong central infrastructure of high capacity, quality and most rugged hardware MCU (Multipoint Control Unit) solution are required to organize a multipoint Studio based Videoconferencing sessions. NIC have a robust, scalable and secure MCU based Infrastructure to organize VIP conferences and meet the Government VC requirements.

The setup at each Studios is permanent and have NICNET connectivity, where user can join the conference through MCU by dialing conference ID or using H.323/SIP Standard.

Desktop based Videoconferencing platform

NIC VC is enriched with proactive Desktop based Videoconferencing Infrastructure which facilitates the participants to join Videoconferencing session from any portable devices (Desktops/ Laptops/ Mobile), any Network, any Brower.

NIC provides Desktop based Videoconferencing services using the following on-premise Platforms.

  • BharatVC Videoconferencing
  • VidyoConnect Videoconferencing
  • BharatVC

    The BharatVC is an "on-premises VC platform" which ensures a secure communication with useful features that meets the Government VC requirement and provide immersive meeting experience. Moreover, this product has potential to enhance further and make it suitable for various other government Videoconferencing application like Judiciary/Tribunal, Health, Education etc.


    VidyoConnect Desktop based VC solutions are being used since year 2010-11. Being a user friendly and collaborative communication platform VidyoConnect has an ability to organize meetings in point-to-point mode just by dialing an online user or Multipoint conference by calling multiple participants in a Virtual Meeting Room (VMR).

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